Monday, August 22

This week on Netflix

Well, I didn't really get my money's worth on Netflix this week. Things were a bit busy.

Are We There Yet? Is it done yet? Ok, it wasn't that bad...but it wasn't that good either. There were some funny parts, but it really started to drag on way too long. The kids were so bratty, over the top, that the love he expressed for them at the end of ONE DAY was just too much of a stretch. I know, I know, it's a movie...but give me something that I can moderately believe.

CSI Season 3, Disk 3 When CSI first started I wasn't really into it. I'd heard about how graphic it was and just couldn't bring myself to watch. What was I thinking? I love the show, so have now been trying to get caught up. Thank goodness for Netflix and the readily available full seasons of shows on DVD i've been able to get caught up. I must be getting close because I saw 3 of the 4 episodes on this disk.

That's it. Boy was it a slow week!!!

Thursday, August 18

10 Questions from Ren

I saw on a blog I've begun to read recently that author has 10 (I think weekly) questions her friend Ren asks her. I thought it was a really cool idea and was hoping to start something like that on my blog. The dilema was getting someone to ask the questions since I felt a bit odd asking myself the questions. Well, Ren has visited here and has posted some questions for me. Thanks Ren!! (Note to all: feel free to ask questions, either here or on my "non-movie" blog)

So here are Ren's questions:

1. So you like movies. Tell me, what do you think Is the best adaptation of a book to a movie that you have seen?
I have to be honest, most of the time that I'm seeing a movie...if I've read the book it was long before I saw the movie (for example the Lord of the Rings Trilogy or Hitchhiker's Guide). The only movies that had anything close in timing are the Harry Potter movies.

2. What movie did you pay to see and really wish you hadn’t and in fact, feel like they couldn’t pay YOU enough to ever see it again?
Groundhog Day wins that hands down.

3. That said, do you ever walk out of movies if you don’t like them?
You know, I just can't. I've walked out of a movie once in my life. I was in high school (which was quite a long time ago). Robin Williams was in it. I can't remember the name of it, but checked IMDB...I'm thinking it was The Survivors. It also takes a lot for me to not finish a movie. I keep watching. If I get into the story at all I have to finish, no matter how bad it is. There are 3 movies I haven't been able to finish: Toys (yep, another Robin Williams one), The Life Aquatic (which I actually knew I wasn't going to like, I just didn't know how much I wasn't going to like it), and What the Bleep Do We Know.

4. What is your favorite movie snack and why?
Raisinets and popcorn. Not separately, but in the same handful. I'm not really a big popcorn fan, but the combination of both works for me. Also, they have to be Raisinets...not the Sunmaid chocolate raisins or any of the other options that theaters offer.

5. Please, tell me three movies that I may not have seen but I really should because they are just that good…
Oh boy, let's see...that's hard to say. People are so different in their tastes! But if I picked 3 they would be:
Fargo. Funny, funny movie...darker, but funny. A kidnap for ransom story gone bad.
Amelie. It was just a nice, sweet story.
Closet Land. Very intense. Basically it's about a children's author who was getting interogated because it was thought she was putting political messages into her stories. Now, I saw it a long time ago...and it might not be as good as I remember...but it certainly made an impact on me.
...can it be 4 since the last one is iffy? If so: Whale Rider...oh, and Crash was quite good also. Ok, I'll stop.

6. From your current reviews, I see that you’ve been watching a lot of “Hollywood” movies, but you also watch foreign films too…but what do you REALLY like to watch?
You know, there really isn't anything in particular that I like to watch more than others. I guess if I had to pick I would tend to favor the independent dramas.

7. What would you like to see more of in movies?
You know what...I don't know...more originality. Which leads into my answer for #8

8. What would you like to see less of? And no fair saying Jennifer lopez, that’s how everyone answers!
Ok, then...Tom Cruise :0) And less remakes, especially all the tv show remakes. Really, people, did all of the fresh ideas run dry?

9. So, when you watch movies at home do you watch straight through or do you pause to get a drink, maybe make a phone call, watch a little tomorrow?
I need to watch a movie straight thru, and will ignore the phone if it rings. At home or out, I do everything in my power to not get up in the middle of a movie...down to always making a bathroom run right before the movie is supposed to start. Recently at the theater I made the error of getting a large coke when watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I spent the last 45 minutes desperately needing to go to the bathroom, but not wanting to get up. I never did get up, but had to make a mad dash to the restroom when it was over.

10. Read any good books lately?
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Yeah, I'm a HP fan big time. And it's a book that I actually read. In the last couple of years I'm afraid that I haven't really read books, but have turned to audio books instead...the unabridged versions, though.

Monday, August 15

The Aristocrats

Boy, what do I say here? I was intrigued by the controvery following this one. To have a theater chain ban a movie? Hmmm, how bad can this really be? When we went to buy our tickets there was a little sign indicating if you left within the first half hour they would fully refund your ticket. Jeeeez...really? How bad is this? 15 minutes into it two people walked out. 20 minutes into it I considered it, not because I was offeneded...but because I wasn't sure if I could take the same kind of stuff for the full length of a movie. I needed a little more variety.

This movie is sooooo not for everyone. I actually can't think of a single one of my friends that I would actually recommend it to. I was glad I stayed, if only because now I feel a part of a secret. There were some very funny parts...very funny...but you have to be able to let go and allow yourself to become desensitized to it, and stay in a South Park state of mind.

If you want to know what it's about go here

This week from Netflix

Because of Winn-Dixie I love dogs, so it's natural that I would be into dog movies. I'm afraid this fell short for me. The dog was great, although I didn't think he had a near big enough chance to show off his skills. The rest was not. This was an "ok" movie.

Guess Who I'm not a huge fan of Demi's "soul-mate" Ashton Kutcher or Bernie Mac, but I dropped this one into my queue anyway. Another "ok" movie, though I'd say a bit better than Winn-Dixie.

A Love Song for Bobby Long I was actually surprised by this one. It was in and out of the theaters so fast it was hard to tell if it was a bad movie or just so different for Travolta fans that it couldn't last. I think it was the latter. I liked it. Acting was decent and the story was touching, although predictable to some degree.

Desk Set I like classics now and then and love Katherine Hepburn, so decided to see Desk Set. It was a bit funny, particuarly for the geek in me. Spencer Tracy was an engineer hired by a television station to bring in his computer to help automate the reference department. Love the "sci fi" noises the computer makes when it goes haywire. Good thing that doesn't actually happen or I think I'd loose my mind daily! All in all it was a "I liked it" kind of movie.

Something the Lord Made Chronicles loosley the lives of two men (one a dr. the other a carpenter) who work together and ultimately conduct the first heart surgery every. Another one that falls into the "ok" category.

I really need to come up with a nice little icon for these. :0)

I'll keep it short and sweet

I'm not really sure who (other than Cori) reads these, so I'll probably keep it short and sweet from now on. If you're interested in knowing more about what I thought, just ask.

Must Love Dogs

It was your typical John Cusack love story. Cute, romantic...a "chick flick"...and, being a chick (regardless of my appearance) I liked it. There were some great one-liners in there.