Wednesday, January 18

Netflix movies, movies, movies

Unleashed Action A young man, raised as an animal and taught to fight for his master when a collar around his neck is removed. There was a lack of consistency in this movie, which made believing what they were asking you to a bit difficult. Clearly go into this movie with the "it's just a movie" at the top of your mind and prepared to suspend all sense of reality and possibility. We gave it 3 stars. Ok for a rental, but don't expect too much.

March of the Penguins Documentary A well made documentary about penguins. Really, not sure there's more to say here. If you like penguins, watch it!The DVD extras were interesting, but after a while they all started sounding the same. We gave it 4 stars.

Serenity Sci-fi So I had heard this was based on a sci-fi television series that was cancelled, leaving many fans stranded. I had never actually seen the series (Firefly), but was intrigued. I was pleasantly surprised. Sci-fi with a sense of humor! Excellent. At first we were wondering what we were getting into. Cori looked a bit disinterested, and I was a little bored. After just a few minutes we were hooked and reeled in. 4 stars.

Herbie: Fully Loaded Family Really, do I need to tell you what this is about? It's Herbie, people. :0) I was a big fan of Herbie as a kid so, of course, had to get this one. Cori, on the other hand, had NEVER seen any Herbie movies (add this to the list of movies she hasn't seen and I'm beginning to get really concerned). She actually liked it. We went with 3 stars. Cute for what it was.

The Woodsman Drama A convicted child molester (played by Kevin Bacon) is released from prison and is trying to get a sense of normalcy is in his life. Of course, some of the content of this movie can be a bit disturbing, but the character is a likeable fellow who you want to see succeed in life and overcome his past. Not the most believeable movie in the world, with an irritating cop character whose role was only crucial in that it explained the title of the movie. He was reminiscent of the choir in Greek plays...though they were a bit more interesting and played a much more key part.


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