Monday, October 17


I actually saw this a week ago...and forgot I had seen it when I was updating my blog. Oops. Jodie Foster plays a mom whose child disappears on a plane, or did she? There is no record of her and no one saw her. I had thought I liked it, but after forgetting having seen it I'm not so sure. I know I liked it...until the end. I didn't really like the end at all. There was also a bit earlier where she had seen someone in a window that she saw later on the plane. That really wasn't necessary, particularly how they resolved those characters.

Cori said that it reminded her of Panic Room. I'd have to agree. I love Jodie Foster as an actress (I think I'm actually required to). She is a great actress, and believable as the panic stricken mother trying to find her daughter. However this movie kept her primarily at one level throughout. You never really got to see much diversity.


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