Thursday, February 9

Movie Spotlight: Grizzly Man

First, let me be very, very clear: I am not (repeat NOT putting a quick spotlight on this movie because I liked it. Noooo. I really didn't like it. But it has sparked something.

The movie is a documentary about Timothy Treadwell, who supposedly had devoted his life to "studying" Grizzly bears in Alaska. He "lived" with the bears every summer/early fall for 13 years until in October of 2003 he and his girlfriend were mauled to death by the bears. His death and the death of his girlfriend was caught on audio tape (his video camera on with the lens cap on as well), that doesn't get played during the movie.

Early on in the film, one of the gentlemen who had assisted in retrieving the remains said rather bluntly "He got what he deserved." Oooo, that was a bit harsh. Or was it? After watching the film, Cori and I both weren't so sure that it was harsh, but actually rather accurate.

Now, I know that you can't watch a documentary and believe it to be completely unbiased. However it wasn't just the narrator's words that made me come away with the opinion that I have, but Treadwell's own actions (as a majority of the film is actually Timothy's own footage).

I didn't see a man who respected these animals. I saw, rather, a boy in a man's body who wanted to be a with them, be "friends" with them. If you respect them, don't get them so completely used to people in their presence. Watch them from a distance. If you want to study them, don't interfere with nature (he moved some rocks in a stream to help direct a salmon run). He goes on a rant about the park rangers who didn't want him camping on the federally protected reserve. Although he would often have a gf with him, they were never in his footage as he wanted to give the appearance that he was always so very alone with the bears....whatever.

Any credibility he may have had goes out the window if you see this movie. He may have died doing what he loved, but his death brought on the death of 2 bears...wild animals, who should not be blamed for his death. He was in their territory, going against the safety rules his own organization posted (stay at least 100 yards from the bears). There were even times in the movie that he went up to them, touched one in the water.


Blogger ren said...

ah, i totally agree with you one this one. i cringed watching this because while i understood what he was feeling, i didn't agree with the way he went about it. but that werner hertzog, he's one director that sure knows how to make you squirm.

3:13 PM  

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