Thursday, September 8

This week on Netflix

I'm quickly on route to NOT getting my money's worth out of Netflix this month! Not only because I'm just not watching movies as quickly as I'd like, but because the movies I've been picking just aren't that great.

Cowboys and Angels Reading the reviews this movie got, I'm stunned. I just did not like it. Even a good friend of mine really liked it. Did I actually watch the SAME movie? The plot was average. The speed with which characters changed was abrupt and completely unbelievable. I was never pulled in, and didn't really care about any of the characters or what was happening in their lives. Definitely a "thumbs down" movie for me.

The Man Who Cried Well, that makes one of us who was crying...but it was really about all that Johnny Depp did in this movie. I guess part of my problem is that I'm just not a Christina Ricci fan. She was PERFECT as Friday, but there hasn't been a single role since that I have liked her in. I normally love Johnny Depp, but he was the silent type in this one. A bit too silent.

The story itself was a sad one, but I had 2 problems. First, I just didn't feel anything for Christina's character and 2nd they tried to pack way too much into a short period of time. At the end you had a sense that they simply ran out of time.

Monster In Law I didn't have high expectations for this movie, especially given the reviews. I was pleasantly surprised. I actually really liked it. Yes, I did just admit to liking a JLo movie. It was funny. Everyone was great. Wanda Sykes was hilarious (and I normally don't like her). Perhaps this is one of my guilty pleasures this year?

Spyder's web

So, to respond to Spyder's questions:
Given the chooice to be tortured between 2 movies, what would you pick?
a) The Life Aquatic
b) Groundhog Day

I'd go with "c" give me death. Either one is simply cruel and inhumane punishment.

If you were giving out oscars, who would it go to?
a) Charlize Theron for "Monster"
b) Hilary Swank for "Boys dont Cry"

I'd have a lot more fun if I got to choose my own, but given your limits....Hilary Swank.

Your hungry and the only choices are:
a) Dinty Moore beef stew
b) spam
Which do you cook up?

Neither. I need to lose weight anyway.

The Brothers Grimm

Well, you had a sense from the trailer that this wasn't a happy fairy tale kind of story, but I had no idea just how dark it was going to be. Now I like dark...but this was a convoluted mess.

It felt sort of like leftover night...the kind where you just decide to make a casserole out of a full week's worth of leftovers. A little bit of this, a little bit of that...oh, and let's throw this in just because we have it. There were some cool, but very very very (did I say VERY) creepy effects. But there was also some stuff that just wasn't necessary. Do I need to know that one character is such a klutz that he'll accidentally kick a kitten into the blade of a torture device? Uhm, I'd go with no on that one. It didn't help with what little "character development" was going on, didn't really play a part in the scene. Or that the forest can cut a man in half? No, it also doesn't really make a difference in the story either way. The forest is BAD...I got that part, thanks.

And what's with the little menage stuff with the brothers and the local cursed woman? So much for "love's true kiss". Just a bit too creepy.

I can't say that I hated it, but I certainly won't recommend it to anyone. I'd see what else is showing before you decide to go to this. If you do go, go to a matinee...the cheapest one you can find.