Tuesday, July 12

The Fantastic 4

Yeah, uhm...not so fantastic. It's not bad, but not what I would call good either. I seem to have hit a patch of mediocrity in the movies that we've been watching. I hope this ends soon!

If you're really interested in hearing something about the movie: lots of action. For the most part, special effects were pretty well done. There were only a couple of times where there was a noticeable change in quality where it became painfully obvious that it was blue screened.

During the movie there was a child, I'd guess 6 or 7ish making a whole lot of noise. Talking it up, stomping on the floor and so on. The father, of course, wasn't doing a damn thing about it. I appreciate the fact that parents learn the skill to tune out their kids during moments such as that. However I don't have that skill, nor do I think I even SHOULD have to have it at the movies...Particularly a PG-13 movie. As far as I'm concerned, that's a movie for the big kids. Had it been, oh, say Herbie or Madagascar then ok. I generally try and go at times that I think the fewest number of young kids to be there.

Anyway, I ask the guy...Politely as I could..."Excuse me, would you mind asking your child to please stop talking during the movie"

His response? "As a matter of fact I would mind. Go complain."

Wow. I responded "I will if I need to" and then (not so under my breath) to Cori "What an asshole."

Of course, from that point on the kid did keep going, but he was telling him to be quiet. Unsuccessfully, of course, but I'm not surprised. With manners like those I'm not really sure how he thinks he's going to be able to teach his kid any (but I'm not still pissed...really).

And, no...no complaints were filed. The movie was loud enough to somewhat drain him out and I really wasn't much into the movie anyway. Had he continued to not make any attempts to hush Jr. then, maybe, but it just didn't seem worth it over a movie that just wasn't all that great anyway. I have to admit I did ponder going out and requesting a refund under the guise that my movie experience was ruined by the chatting youngster and then move on to a different movie. That lasted for probably a good 10 minutes or so, but there are very few movies I don't finish once I start. This one certainly wasn't bad enough to be one of those movies, so I decided to stick it out and not mention my quandary to Cori.

What was REALLY cool was in the trailers. Ice Age 2. Yeah BABY!!


Blogger 120BPM said...

This movie was just OK. I was ready to throw that child out myself and his rude father.
There were some really funny parts to this movie though, so I would suggest a matinee price. :)

11:30 AM  

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