Sunday, June 26


I'm not a big fan of Will Ferrell, but as a "Darren" I thought maybe. I really like Nicole Kidman...and Nicole as Samantha I thought was a good choice. Once I saw in the trailers that it wasn't a pure remake, but a remake with a little twist I thought "Yeah, maybe this will work." I was curious and had to see for myself.

For those of you who are not aware, the basic idea is this: Jack Wyatt (Will Ferrell) is a movie actor trying to make a comeback from a disasterous movie the previous year. All he can get is a tv sitcom job doing the remake of Bewitched. Not wanting too much competition, he wants to get a "unknown" to play the part of Samantha. He sees Isadora (Nicole) at a book store, she does the little nose twitch, and he decides he must have her as Samantha. She agrees. The twist is Isadora is ACTUALLY a witch, trying to make a go of life sans witchcraft (ala Samantha style, she wants a "normal" life).

Did I think I'd love it? No, not at all, but I thought it would be cute and fun. I went in with what I thought were realistic expectations...
So much for my "realistic" expectations. I got bored. Apparently I wasn't the only one. I found out later Cori was sitting there planning out the week ahead!

Will Ferrell was over the top, way over the top (even for him). Nicole seemed to be talking in a higher, more surgary sweet voice than sounded natural for her. The guy who played Uncle Arthur came across as forced. It was a small role, but one that really irritated me. Other characters were ok, though :0)

I enjoyed Michael Caine as Isadora's dad. I had no idea that Shirley MacLaine was cast as the woman who played Endora. I thought it was a great move, but we really didn't get to see much of her.

However my favorite casting choice was Maria, Isadora's next door neighbor. I think the casting department has a cute sense of humor. She was played by Kristin Chenowith. So most of you are probably thinking "Well, who the hec is that?" She played Glinda the good witch in the Broadway musical Wicked (my FAVORITE musical).

I'm afraid to say this is just not a movie I can recommend. I wouldn't say it was terrible or even bad, it's just not good. Maybe a rental...? Maybe.

Now if I can just get the damn theme song out of my head!!!


Blogger 120BPM said...

Definitely a rental, if your bored, and curious, or maybe something to be palyed in the background while doing your taxes. :)

3:11 PM  

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